It’s been a week since the release of the Icecrown Citadel (ICC) raid in World of Warcraft’s Wrath of the Lich King Classic, and the gaming community has been buzzing with excitement. Raiding enthusiasts and casual players alike have been diving headfirst into the frozen halls of the citadel. In this article, we’ll explore the Phase 4 content, including the Scourge Stone system and the Random Dungeon Finder, and then delve into the thrilling experience of raiding ICC in WoW: WotLK Classic.

Phase 4: A Game-Changer

Phase 4 in WoW: WotLK Classic has been a significant milestone in the progression of the game, introducing a range of new features and content. Two notable additions to the game are the Scourge Stone system and the Random Dungeon Finder.

The Random Dungeon Finder has been a long-awaited feature, and its introduction has been met with enthusiasm from the player base. It offers players the convenience of quickly forming groups for dungeons, sparing them the arduous task of manually assembling parties. This feature has been a game-changer for many, allowing them to hop into dungeons with their guildmates or random players without any hassles. The short queue times have been especially pleasing, making the experience even more enjoyable.

While the convenience of the Random Dungeon Finder has been a highlight, players anticipate that queue times may increase as the phase progresses. This is because, over time, more players will become highly geared from ICC raids, reducing their motivation to run dungeons daily. However, for those chasing the “What a Long, Strange Trip It’s Been” achievement, the extra two Emblems of Frost earned daily through the dungeon finder are a boon.

Additionally, the Headless Horseman event, while not exclusive to Phase 4, coincides with the phase’s launch. This event offers updated gear, including rings, weapons, and a headpiece, all at item level 232. These items provide a fantastic opportunity for players, especially alts, to catch up on gear progression. The streamlined process of queuing for the event using the Random Dungeon Finder and earning a bag with a high chance of the Headless Horseman’s mount has made it a daily must-do for many.

ICC Raiding: The Lich King’s Challenge

With the release of ICC, players had one big question: How challenging would the Lich King be in 25-man heroic mode? The speculation was rife, but the answer became clear quickly. Despite initial excitement, it took merely 90 minutes for the Lich King to fall on 25-man heroic. However, it’s essential to put this into perspective.

While the Lich King’s heroic kill happened swiftly, it’s vital to note that ICC represents a significant step up in difficulty compared to the classic raids that came before it. At the time of writing, there are hundreds of guilds working to conquer the Lich King, with over 30 guilds already celebrating their victories. These statistics underscore that even though top-tier raiding guilds have cleared normal ICC, only a small percentage have made it through heroic mode.

The ICC raid, with a 0% buff, presents a considerable challenge. The difficulty often lies in personal responsibility, with mistakes by individual players standing out like a sore thumb. Tools like WeakAuras, Deadly Boss Mods (DBM), and BigWigs help prepare raiders for impending mechanics, but player reactions are the key to success.

Players aiming for heroic mode have to make wise decisions about which bosses to focus on. Some bosses may prove easier based on a raid’s strengths and weaknesses. Lady Deathwhisper, for example, doesn’t require an exceptionally high damage output; instead, it relies on raid awareness and mechanics execution. Thus, a raid with cautious, clever players may find success.

Rotface, surprisingly, has seen more heroic kills than Professor Putricide, showcasing that a couple of good Holy Paladins can work wonders. However, the likes of Sindragosa and the Blood-Queen Lana’thel demand strong damage output and healing along with precise positioning.

In a 10-man setting, raid composition becomes even more critical. A balanced group with skilled players can handle many heroic bosses, and having a Holy Paladin, while not mandatory, significantly simplifies encounters. Gunship heroic is especially recommended, as it provides an easy opportunity for loot.


World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Classic Phase 4 and ICC raiding have injected new excitement into the game. The Scourge Stone system and Random Dungeon Finder have simplified the dungeon experience, making it easier to find groups and earn valuable Emblems of Frost. Additionally, the Headless Horseman event provides players with accessible gear upgrades and a chance at the coveted mount.

ICC, with its 25-man heroic mode, presents a formidable challenge that separates the best raiding guilds from the rest. While the Lich King might have fallen quickly, many bosses remain unconquered. Raid composition and player skill are key factors in overcoming these hurdles.

The future of WoW: WotLK Classic holds more promise, with BlizzCon on the horizon, where players can anticipate exciting announcements about the game’s development. As players continue their epic journey through ICC, they are also looking ahead to Cataclysm Classic, which is sure to bring a new wave of adventures and challenges.

In the world of Azeroth, the adventures never end, and the battles never cease. Whether you’re a casual player or a dedicated raider, WoW: WotLK Classic has something for everyone in Phase 4 and beyond.

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